Earlier this month, Revlon announced Gal Gadot as a global brand ambassador. However, Revlon has added a diverse cast of models to its family – bestowing
Ashley Graham, Adwoa Aboah, Imaan Hammam and Raquel Zimmermann with the same title. The four new ambassadors, alongside two fellow models, star in the brand’s new Live Boldly campaign, a symbol of their new direction in celebrating inclusivity and diversity.
“I am thrilled to be part of this timely and groundbreaking campaign with different types of women across races, ages and sizes, and to leverage this platform to continue to create positive change,” Graham said in a statement. “To ‘Live Boldly’ is the mantra of my life. Every day in the mirror I say to myself, ‘I am bold, I am brilliant, I am beautiful,’ and together with Revlon, we can inspire all women to do the same.”

 Aboah a vogue editor comments “Revlon gives us a platform that allows us to be accessible to all different types of women,” she said. “To me, ‘Living Boldly’ means being unapologetic, knowing no boundaries, being vulnerable, strong, authentic and yourself.”