The symbol of HIV

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus, HIV has continued to be a global health problem. According to recent studies by the World Health Organization, the disease has claimed 35 million lives so far, with nearly 2 million getting infected every year. Studies have also shown that 1 in 4 persons infected with the HIV have no idea at all.
However, scientists have insinuated a cure as patient in London responded positively to new treatment. According to WHO, scientists have announced that a patient in London achieved remission of the Virus after carrying out an experiment using stem cell transplant from a donor resistant to HIV to the victim of the disease.

This is a great step to achieving a cure for the disease, but WHO encourages people to be more careful as the cure is yet to be found. It also stated clearly that ending HIV by 2030 is achievable, if we keep our efforts strong.