Few days ago, the Nollywood actress Tonto Dikeh took to Instagram to share with followers the reason behind her flawless skin. In the post, she acknowledged the fact that she drinks a lot of water, eats vegetables and minds her business.
Aside her food regimen, she spoke about the product, pels international. According to Tonto Dikeh, this product has helped her achieve the flawless skin she has now. She hinted that she has been using this product for the past 8 years now.
According to the actress,
"I get asked alot about my beauty regime!! Well asides drinking lots of water, eating vegs and minding my damn business. @pelsinternational has been my go to product for eight years now!! I honestly don't use them all the time cos Constance has healed all spots and pimples specially on my face.
This is not just an advert is my most sincere post to having a beautiful skin" she said.
Tonto Dikeh is a mother of one and a successful single mom. She is a brand ambassador of Sapphire scents, a perfume collection.